Index So far we've included an image and a heading into. Now we're including text in the page. We jumped right in and shown inline formatting with the very first word of the paragraph: <B>Everything</b>.

Inline formatting is usually done with empty tags. Empty tags have no attributes that the web master can set to further format the held text. The exception to this is the font tag which we'll be covering in the next section.

In our first example we've formatted a word using the bold tags <B> and < /b>. This is the first element that we've shown you where the results of the mark up is visible on your web page. Like the CENTER tag, everything within the opening and closing tags is effected by the markup. As in this example, the tags can hold a single word, or they can hold several words, or even a paragraph. You do want to use formatting tags sparingly though. If you make an entire paragraph bold, your visitor may no longer take any special note of bold lettering elsewhere in the page. Further, you do not want to format too many parts of your text. This tends to make your pages look messy and lower your visitors opinion of your pages.

Another formatting tag that we've put onto the example page is the italics markup: <I>contents</i>. This tag places the held text in italics. There are a variety of inline formatting tags that you can use. Beneath is a short table that will show you what is available.

Markup Type Marked up as Results
ABBREVIATION <ABBR>example</abbr> example
ACRONYM <ACRONYM>example<acronym> example
ADDRESS <ADDRESS>example</address>
BIG <BIG>example</big> example
BLINK <BLINK>example</blink> example
BOLD <B>example</b> example
CITATION <CITE>example</cite> example
CODE EXAMPLE <CODE>example</code> example
Emphasis <EM>example</em> example
ITALICS <I>example</i> example
KEYBOARD <KBD>example</kbd> example
LISTING <LISTING>example</listing> example
STRIKE THROUGH <S>example</s> example
SAMPLE (CODE) <SAMP>example</samp> example
SMALL <SMALL>example</small> example
STRIKETHROUGH <STRIKE>example</strike> example
STRONG <STRONG>example</strong> example
SUPERSCRIPT 32<SUP>2</sup> 322
TELETYPE <TT>example</tt> example
UNDERLINE <U>example</u> example
VARIABLE <VAR>example</var> example
EXAMPLE <XMP>example</xmp> example

As you can see many of the inline formatting tags don't appear to do anything in your browser. This may be because they are not supported in the browser that you are using, but they may be displayed properly in another browser. None of the tags shown here have any flexibility in how they display the contents that they hold.

Looking further into our example page you'll see that three words have not only had their size changed but the color that they are being displayed in as well. This is done through the FONT tag. The subject of the next section.